Match Reports

Match Reports

9th May 2018

V&A v The All Sorts XI

  The world of cricket is rather light on sibling rivalries. There were the Waugh’s, of course, from a time when The Bogans played a form of cricket that didn’t vaguely resemble the histrionics of a soap-opera. It isn’t received wisdom that Cain and Abel fell out over a backyard cricketing squabble, but I think there’s a lot that The Old Testament isn’t telling us. Liam and Noel Gallagher are more into the sport where you fizz a pig’s bladder around with your foot. They fizz tambourines at one another too, so they must have decent arms. Wasted talent.   The Jacot de Boinots, by contrast, play it hard and fair. Adam, our skipper for the day against The All Sorts XI, refrained from any scurrilous remarks as his brother took the crease. He did say loudly that his brother ‘plays it upishly’ on the drive, though, so have some […]
25th April 2018

V&A v GTs

T. S. Eliot’s opinion that ‘April is the cruellest month’ must, I have often thought, been written with cricketers in mind. Many a downpour has dampened the early season zeal of have-a-go heroes across the country. Actually, Eliot didn’t like cricket. Harold Pinter, on the other hand, did. “I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth – certainly greater than sex, although sex isn’t too bad either.”; clearly, he had his priorities in order. The GTs are a funny old side, captained by one of the V&A’s own. No one could quite explain to me exactly what it stood for. Jago Poynter suggested that it might be ‘Gin & Tonics’, but that’s because he’s a ceramic artist who lives off the Fulham Road. It shall, I fear, remain a mystery. V&A skipper for the day, Rob Taylor, agreed to an uncontested toss […]