Cometh the hour, cometh the V&A. Never in the long history of the V&A’s small band of slightly mad yet ultimately purist players (of what I still insist is the real Great Game) has there been such a triumph of organised fun as there was this recent May Bank Holiday weekend on our 4-day, 2-game tour around the sublime Cranbourne Chase near Salisbury, Wiltshire. It was months in the planning, I believe. I do remember paying some money at some point, but ashamedly that was the extent of my involvement. The entire event was organised brilliantly by Ross and Megan Ashcroft, and our veteran slip-fielder and ever-louche poet-philosopher, Nicky Bird (away this week). It would be more than churlish of me not to thank these members here and now, from the bottom of our boots, for their time and devotion to this extremely well-oiled operation. It ran like clockwork – […]